Easter Survivor Camp was our first urban camp roaming far and wide across Wellington. The camp was Scout lead by all of the 24 Scouts present and with the help of Rachel, Neil, Grant and Cath we all survived and had a great time.
Here’s a summary by Calvin, Freddie, Trinaya, Rose, Gabi and Amelia.
Friday Afternoon By Calvin:
Everyone had arrived and the leaders told us to grab a seat. Then the leaders told us that they had planned nothing on the scout camp and they only had food for one day. Also, the shops were only open on Saturday. Each person had to pay $150 to go to the camp and there were 28 people. We were allowed to organize anything to do as long as it stays in the budget and we do a RAMs form
After a while of planning, we were allowed to go play outside on the playground. Everyone ran over and started jumping around and using the equipment. Later people realized that there was a huge grass hill and you could roll down it. Not long later almost everyone was rolling down at full speed laughing their heads off.
Finally, we went back inside and started to plan again and did some voting. In the end, we had a plan that everyone could agree on. A little later we made nachos for dinner and headed off to laser tag.
Friday Night by Freddie:
On Friday night we went to Laserforce in Wellington. We paid so that we could have access to all the arcade games and as many games of laser tag as we wanted. We had access to them between 6 and 10pm. It cost us about $20 per person.
We decided to walk to Laserforce so that we would have more money. I think it was about a 15 minute walk and 2.5 km mostly along flat ground with just a little bit of uphill.
We arrived at about 6:30 and watched the short 5 minute film about the rules of laser tag. Then most of us went in to play a game of laser tag while a couple of other people went off to play arcade games. The way to win in the laser tag games was to get the most points. You scored points by either hitting targets or hitting other players. Hitting another player gave you 100 points and hitting targets gave you about 1000 points. There were four targets for you to hit and one for you to defend.
Everyone was split into two teams. There was a red team and a blue team. People in the blue team had to defend the blue target and hit the other four and the people in the red team had to defend the red target and hit the other four.
Some of the arcade games included a basketball shooting game, a few luck games, some car racing games and a coupl
e of shooting games. The most popular game was the basketball shooting game the highest score anyone got in that game was 70 points.
So all in all, I think that it was a very good idea to go to Laserforce. I really enjoyed it.
Saturday Morning by Trinaya:
The time now is 8:00am in
the morning and Neil is going around waking everyone. We are going to do all our shopping now because the shops will be closed tomorrow for Easter. A group of girls are going to be making breakfast today. There is a Countdown, not far away from the Southern Cross Den, so we're walking there. We waddle across in one big group and soon we are on our way back with a couple of our groups carrying what they bought. Breakfast was cereal and after a while, the breakfast group served some delicious choc chip pikelets (like pancakes).
Our first activity is the Fear Factory. The timings are : Group one =11:00, Group 2 = 11:30, Group 3 = 12:00 and group 4 = 12:30. Everyone is so excited! We break apart into Groups of 6 and go exploring with one of the leaders. If you are not doing Fear Factory then you would be doing a hunt, a bit like a scavenger hunt. We had to decode the riddles and take pictures of stuff it said. For example, I look like candy floss, but I'm in the sky. What am I?. If the answer was clouds (which it is), then we took a picture of the clouds. The Fear factory was petrifying. A couple of groups didn’t finish (but I wouldn't blame them). It was seriously, bone chillingly scary. There is no word to actually describe how it felt. We had to go in a dark tunnel in a tight conga line. Real actors were in the tunnel, scaring us half to death! We took turns being in the front and in the back. By this time it was afternoon.
Saturday Afternoon by Rose:
We walked in groups to Te Papa after going into the Fear Factory. At Te Papa, we went into the outdoor space to sit down and have lunch. For lunch, we had sandwiches, after lunch I went down to the front because I had a watch and all the people who had a watch had to go and pick one or two people to go into the museum and be back at a certain time. I chose Rosie and we went into Gallipoli. We wouldn't have been able to go in if I hadn't told the lady at the entrance that I had been in there loads of times. The big statues were amazing and the detail in them was on point and so accurate! We learned about the big war, who fought, and when it was. It was amazing! At last, we had to go back into the outdoor space and headed back to the den. Saturday afternoon was a good sunny, warm day and it was very fun.
After we went back to the Den we got all our gear and packed away then walked to Jumperama. It was very fun. I played mostly in the dodgeball area and sometimes in the foam pit.
Saturday Night by Gabi:
The Survivor Wellington Camp was great fun but personally my favourite bit was the movie. Everyone tired out after a long day trekking around wellington finished off with some pizza at the den. The movie that was chosen was High School Musical 1 which to be honest only about 5 people wanted yet when we looked around the room everyone was glued to the screen. All Together it was a great night with lots of karaoke and fun!
Sunday Morning by Amelia:
On Sunday morning we got up and started to make a delicious breakfast of pancakes and bacon! We then packed up, got out our swimming stuff and walked (and ran a little) to the Paremata Train Station. Luckily we got there in time! We then walked from the Porirua Train Station to the swimming pool. The pool was a lot of fun. We went in the pool for a while then headed back to the den to have a short review of the camp before going home.
Despite all the fun things we did and the yummy food we had, the Scouts stayed well within their budget for camp and each Scout will be receiving approximately $28 rebate.