Saturday, 15 May 2010

Scouts: Jamboree entries


As previously discussed, Jamboree entries are now due along with the deposit.

I distributed the Jamboree Entry forms Thursday night. Please fill them in carefully and return to Scouts next Thursday night on NO LATER than Thursday fortnight (27 May). Please note the medical section and the food allergies sections. It is imperative that you don’t hold anything back.

We also need the $100 deposit, either e-banked to Scout a/c # 03 1533 0017408 00 or a cheque made out to NTSS. NTSS will then make a single payment to HO. Remember that we are going to fund-raise as much of the total fee as possible, and if we do well, will refund the deposit. But don’t hold your breath – a lot of hard work is required from all of you.

Lastly, as part of the budget, we need to ascertain travel requirements. Many of you go on holiday for Xmas and may be intending to drop your Scout(s) in Hamilton). Please feel free to. However, we need to know how many will require transport from Porirua so that we can cost out buses, trains, etc. We also need to know if any heading north on holiday can tow a trailer with camping gear.  We handed out a form to be returned as well.



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