Sunday 7 July 2024

Toby & Alex'a Chief Scout Journey (Toby)

On Thursday night at Scouts, we did the gear check and divided the food, firewood and cooking stuff between the Scouts who were coming with us.  On Friday we met at the den at 4 o'clock and then left for the Wairarapa. In Grey Town we got kebabs, and at around 7 pm we geared up and left for the night walk to the Atiwhakatu hut. In the morning we evaluated the weather and decided if we were going up and over the ridge. We decided not to go over the ridge because it was too windy and when we asked a guy who had just come from the Jumbo Hut he said it was snowing. We went back the way we came for a bit and came to the River Ridge track and went up it instead. We had lunch at the mountain house shelter. After that, we continued up to Powell Hut and at the edge of the tree line we collected more firewood. At Powell Hut, we talked about sustainability for the Sustainability Better World badge, we went to chop some of the wood in the woodshed and then made dinner. After dinner, we got ready for bed. In the morning we made breakfast and some of us went further up past the hut for a bit while the rest tidied the rooms and kitchen area. Then we left to go back down and had morning tea at the mountain house shelter then walked to the rocky lookout for lunch and talked more about sustainability. After that, we left for the car park and at the car park we put our bags in the car and in one of the cars, Alex and I did our review of how the tramp went.  We felt it went really well and appreciated all the support from the Leaders.

More photographs available here:

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