Sunday 7 July 2024

Toby & Alex'a Chief Scout Journey (Alex)

Trip Review 

On the Thursday before our tramp we got everyone to meet up at the den and me and Toby went through everyone's gear and made sure everyone had everything then after the others went and joined with the rest of the scouts while me and Toby got the food sorted. Friday we left for the tramp and on the way we stopped at a kebab place for some dinner, then once we were at the carpark we got ready to start walking as quick as we could we left at about 6 or 7 pm and arrived at the hut around 10 ish than once we got there everyone else went to sleep while me and toby talked to the leaders and made a plan on what we were gonna to the next day. The original plan was to walk from atiwhakatu hut up to jumbo to powell hut the next day but due to the weather and the forms we signs we weren't allowed to go with the original plan so me Toby and decided that we will spend more time at the hut in the morning but head straight to powell hut. So the next morning we got packed and ready and left, but on the up the mountain everyone got tired and saw and we stopped quite a lot of times and it took us longer then expected but we made it in the end and just on time because as we arrived it got foggy and rainy and thankfully we had dry firewood in our packs to warm up. Later in the night we did some badge work and me and Toby did a review on the day and how it went. The next morning we got all packed up, said our goodbyes and left for Rocky lookout. When we got there we did some more work on our badge work and had lunch then we continued down the mountain. Once we got to the car parks I think just about everybody was exhausted and glad we were back. On the ride back we did a review on the whole tramp.

What we did well:

What I think we did well was getting all this organized and happening and making sure everybody made it up and we stuck together.

What we did not do well:

Just about everyone got sick after the tramp and we could have made a better time to powell hut.

What we changed:

The original plan was to camp the frist night at the carpark but that plan changed to a night walk to atiwhakatu hut. Another thing was not going to the jumbo hut and just going straight to powell.

More photographs available here:

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